How Long to Wait to Hear Back After an Interview?

Searching for jobs is nerve-wracking process but in your case the interview stage is finally over, and you showed you best: demonstrated deep knowledge about the company, revealed a genuine interest in the business and highlighted your professional skills. "We'll call you back!" – smiles back cheerfully Mr. Recruiter and disappears just like the Cheshire Cat, leaving you both confused and suspicious. And all you’ve left to do is wait…

You’re sick of waiting for the phone call and constant clicking on the “Update” of your email box. A week later, you finally ask yourself: what if they won’t call you back? Let’s satisfy your curiosity and find out the answer.


Why are they silent?

You can trust us: a recruiter is not always silent because the candidate does not meet the vacancy requirements. There are several reasons for this behavior.

Firstly, the time allotted for the feedback has run out and the decision have not be made yet. The process of choosing between several candidates is not easy, especially since several parties are involved - the human resources manager, the direct supervisor, and sometimes even CEO and/or his deputy.

Secondly, some recruiters expect you to callback or send a follow up email after interview when you haven't heard back from him, thereby confirming your interest. Especially it concerns such openings as a sales manager, PR specialist, etc. All types of positions where perseverance in achieving the goal is required.

Finally, the HR manager, like any of us, can simply forget to call. That’s right, recruiters are ordinary people, nothing human is alien to them...

So how long should you wait?

If you are waiting to hear back from job interview that means the HR manager didn’t tell you this killer phrase: "Sorry, but we can’t hire you." This is a good sign. But to make these expectations psychologically more "comfortable", it is better to ask a hiring manager at the end of the interview when it is possible to obtain the result and in what form. Don’t be shy! You have all the rights to know the answer. Moreover, ask the representative of the company - who will be the first to call? If he - then how long should you wait for the call?

Most likely the employer said that he will call you about the results in two weeks - wait patiently, it makes no sense to follow up after interview before the expiration of the agreed period. You can only worsen the situation. This fact will make you look impatient and even pushy, which are not the best qualities for any employee. However, as soon as the time has expired and you haven’t received a feedback, it is best to contact hiring manager and ask about the interview results. It is also possible that you are still being tested in this way.


To call or not to call?

The answer is simple: call! The vast majority of recruiters believe that in the absence of feedback, the applicant should call the company himself; other hiring managers are sure that the candidate should write a check in email after interview. The activity of an applicant is a clear sign of interest in the position, but be careful – the second follow up email after interview is too much.

On the other hand, some applicants think that the absence of a recruiter's response means a refusal and your proactivity is useless. "If the employer is interested, he will call"; "Do not stop searching for career opportunities, it's better to continue actively attending the interviews," they say. But we are determined: in a case like this, it's better to call than not to call. Why? In such way, you will demonstrate your proactive life position and show that you don’t go with the flow, you are result-oriented and know how to achieve your goal. Your call can affect the situation! Just be polite – don’t forget the recruiter can be busy with other important things.

Meet the deadline

Interview process taking too long? Nevertheless, there are deadlines during which the representative of the company informs job applicants about the results of the interview. They depend on your work experience and the position you’re applying. For example:

  • if you try to find a job as a young professional, then most likely you will receive feedback in one week after interview
  • applications of qualified specialists with experience exceeding 3 years usually considered for 7-14 days
  • highly qualified specialists with at least 7 years of experience, including candidates for top management positions can wait for about a month and this is perfectly normal


Knowing those deadlines is extremely important, as you will know what to do when you get a job offer while waiting for another. It was discovered that many job seekers begin to lose their interest in vacancies if they do not receive a call after a two-week period and some of them make decisions, which are not the best for their future career. Therefore, you should not close the door on the offer until you haven’t received a direct refusal. If you get a negative answer, consider this as a valuable experience and continue searching. Did you know that according to Glassdoor survey 88 percent of hiring managers agree that an informed candidate is a quality candidate? After the meeting, analyze the interview in details. Highlight the mistakes; recall all employer’s comments and suggestions.

At a new meeting, you will act differently - more confident, savvy, understanding how to behave with a hiring manager. And this time you will definitely know when to call about the results of the interview and whether it is worth doing it at all.