
There are plenty of variants of how to name your resume and cover letter before sending it to recruiters. But if you fail to do it right, it may lessen your chances to get an invitation for the desired interview. According to TheBalanceCareers, you should not name your file as “resume.doc”. If you do so, it will probably be lost among thousands of similar applications. In this article we are going to suggest several options, choose one to make a proper resume file name.

The typical introvert is reserved, therefore, they will go for a solitary occupation on any day. This way, they’ll spend their day handling job responsibilities and not interacting with others. So, if you are one of them, in this article you'll find a comprehensive list of career choices for introverts based on introvert type.

You can write a CV in easy steps, but what is the ideal length? Most of the time, a one-page resume is perfect. Regardless, a resume can be much longer if you have several years of experience under your belt. However, note, you only have to exceed the one-page limit if you cannot manage to fit everything within a single page.

Typically, when writing a resume, you need to include your contact details, work-related experience, and your abilities. If you are unsure of how to include these things in your resume, the exhaustive guide below will come in handy. You will see what to put on your resume as well as what not include.

This article will explain exactly what are illegal interview questions and topics and show several specific examples. We’ll also tell you what action to take if an interviewer asks any of these illegal queries during an employment interview. 

To ensure that you handle multiple job offers like a pro, below we have prepared a detailed guide. You will learn how to assess each offer, how to tell the recruiter about your predicament, and how to do away with the positions that you are not interested in filling. 

Did you know that there are so many valuable stay at home mom transferable skills you have gained from being a parent that you can leverage in your career? And you can use these skills to compensate for the employment gap in your resume when you look for a new job. Here are fifteen new skills for resume you have gained by being a mum that probably didn’t know you had.

By writing a long list with many job roles, there’s a high chance you will confuse the hiring manager, on the one hand. On the other one, providing few details on your professional life can significantly undermine your chances of advancing to the interview stage. So, how can you get everything right? We’ll show you.

Workplace harassment, workplace bullying, no matter how you call it: it is still very much present in today’s working environment. In spite of all the efforts of our times to eradicate harassment in the office, the bad corporate conduct in and out of the cubicle is rising!

As the quite old, or even ancient quote from Sun Tzu says: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” We are pretty sure that our readers are already pretty acquainted with themselves, so, let us get to know what we are dealing with. There is so much to workplace harassment, and so many types that waiting is not on the table.

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