
With improved internet connectivity all around the globe, shifts in attitude about where people should work, plus a promise of greater flexibility, remote jobs have grown to be more commonplace than ever. According to research, 70% of professionals globally work remotely one day in a week.

Work from home jobs you can explore are plenty. We’ve compiled a list of forty legit work from home jobs that offer real pay, flexibility, and stability.

Most of the time, a one-page resume is ideal, meaning you have to use the available space wisely by providing only relevant information on your application. So, how can you end up with essential information on your resume? One sure way is by understanding what not to put on a resume. In this article, we discuss 15 things that should not be included on a resume. Go through them to understand what you can leave out to ensure that you craft an excellent application. 

If you are or know a person with disabilities, then you’re definitely aware of how hard it is to find a job. This article addresses the issues surrounding job hunting for disabled people.

Wondering how you can impress the hiring manager in your next job application? Well, if you are looking to secure the job you want, you must show that you have more than just the capabilities that are directly related to the job. After all, a dozen other applicants probably have the same qualities you are selling.

So, apart from technical skills, you also want to showcase your standout professional soft skills. They can come in handy, especially if you are creating a career change resume or you have little work experience. Here, we’ll tell you what exactly soft skills are and give you ten categories of soft skills (with several examples in each) that hiring managers are especially seekers for in new hires.

Should you include references on resume? How many references should you include? Who is the best reference for you? Find out when you need to write this section, how to format it, acquiring the right references, and what to avoid.

Showing yourself as an extremely valuable candidate for the position and at the same time not coming off as a boaster is not the easiest task. This is especially true when it comes to listing awards and achievements. Many job seekers mistakenly try to simply outline their previous responsibilities. Let’s be frank, HR managers and employers can guess what you were doing on your post just by looking at your job title. They are more interested in what positive things you have done for the company –, in other words, your achievements and awards. Thusly, if you correctly list accomplishments on a resume, you’ll be in a pretty favorable position regarding job hunting (even if your skillset are not up to par). Let’s find out how to list awards on resume to amaze any and all HR officers.

While some websites post all kinds of openings, others advertise jobs in a specific field or from a particular employer. It is by looking at what sets them apart that you can pick job sites that work well with the kind of opportunities you are searching for. Keep reading to know our picks of best job search sites in 2019 and beyond.

Going by a recent CareerBuilder study, 75% of human resource executives have spotted deceptions on applicants’ resumes. In this post, we cover some of the most common and outrageous fabrications on resumes. By learning about and avoiding them, you will improve your probability of getting hired significantly. And not to forget, we will also highlight how hiring managers have caught various lies on resumes.

There’re many excellent strategies for landing an internship, but when is the best time to apply for internships? In this article, we’re going to cover the appropriate times to send your requests for these opportunities based on the time of year you want to begin life as an intern in a certain company. More specifically, we’ll tell you when is the most appropriate moment to apply for a summer, fall, or spring training.

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