
Accept or not accept - that is the question. Everybody who has ever faced up with salary negotiation at work found it very awkward. In fact, according to a survey conducted by Ally Bank, 70% of Americans think that it's rude to talk about money. People were more likely to disclose their income (39%) over savings (30%) or debt (29%) to family and friends. Don’t you find it unwise? If you do, you probably have a question “What should be done in a situation, when you’re promoted but hesitated whether ask a boss for a pay raise or not?”

When you’re sending your resume to a particular company, you need to be aware of what kind of business organization it is, and what its reputation in the labor market. According to the recent report by IBM, 58% of candidates claimed that they would not apply again if they got a negative impression of the hiring organization. Let’s find out how to perform company research and become savvier about an employer by the time you receive a call from a hiring manager. But first, let’s start from the very beginning.

What is a “good” cover letter? Should it be 1 or 3 page long? What’s about cover letter structure? How to put all the experience and skills there? What to include and emphasize first? The truth is that most recruiters are looking for exact matches to the job descriptions and company culture, plus they are under a tremendous amount of time pressure to screen an overwhelming flood of applicants. So, it’ll be the best present ever to make a cover letter easy and quick to scan for a recruiter. There are numerous ways this can be done and one of them is choosing the T-format cover letter. This is the specific needs cover letter that demand some time and efforts to organize but it’s worth it. 


Are you currently dealing with difficult coworkers? Difficult coworkers can rub you the wrong way and force to act irrationally, which is not exactly a healthy situation in which you can succeed. The good news is that, even though you can’t change everyone else’s behavior, you always can change your own. To help you survive in a tough environment we’ll tell you how to handle a difficult coworker and what is most important how to knock someone out without hurting them.


You surely enjoy randomly going through your posts and those of your friends, while making jokes and funny charades? Have you ever ranted about your co-workers and the current job on your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts? You must have thought that the posts would remain among you and your “friends”. Nothing wrong in doing so, but you might need to think twice. The overwhelming presence of social media in our life has made it an open database for the employers to understand the persona of their targeted employees.

It seems easy to write your resume’s languages section, but it can make or break your entire application. Language skills levels is a valuable information to have on your resume, as more and more US companies enter the global marketplace and search for candidates who have language proficiency levels. Before listing language knowledge on a resume, you should think twice what to include and what not. 

Amazon is the largest online trading platform, which sells and purchases tens of thousands of various products every day. The main site of the company is, operates in the US, the company also has divisions in France, England, Germany, Canada, China, and Japan. Initially created to sell only books, Amazon has grown into a giant trading platform with a huge variety of goods from fishing rods to guitars and designer handbags. Actually, according to the Amazon Annual report 2017, the company ships more than 5 billion items! Thus, it’s no wonder the vast majority of people are literally obsessed with an idea of getting a job at Amazon. So how the company works from the inside?


We can always count on Reddit to provide us with answers on absolutely different topics. Whether it’s instructions on how to fix a leaky sink, why your height influences the professional success or even solve a Rubik’s cube, there’s no shortage of valuable nuggets of information from people who have been there and done that. And luckily, among Reddit threads there are career advice too. We’re here to tell you about the life pro tips that Reddit proposes people who decide to get a new job. If you’re among them, keep scrolling our small career guidance at Reddit world. 


Probably writing a resume is not the best thing you used to do. It takes a lot of forces and strengths to make a really good one that catches the recruiter’s attention and emphasizes all your skills. However, the mission is possible if you’re familiar with the different types of resumes. Resume format may differ due to your working background, proficiency, type of work and skills. Make resume formatting isn’t that hard and we prepared a list of 3 types of resumes, so you may take the one that would present your strongest sides to the hiring manager.


It seems like you got into a tricky situation: a company has made you a job offer with a higher salary (or other benefits, which made you consider this job opportunity), but you are not ready to leave. You solve challenging tasks, got used to the team and do not want to quit playing soccer with the guys from the back office. You do not want to leave, but you can’t help the feeling you can get more if you get a new job. A recent study by Hays shows, 39% of employees got fatter paycheck due to the leveraging job offers. That means you can benefit from this situation and use a job offer as an effective tool to get a promotion or a pay raise.

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